
Chapter 208 – Crazed Merchants

Chapter 208 – Crazed Merchants

Translator: Xaiomoge

Although Bishop Edo’s status in the Rydgex City was not higher than that of Bishops of Zaliah divine system’s gods, but he was definitely a respected bigwig and his power was unfathomable. Such a bigwig publicly announcing that there was indeed a Wizard that wanted to build a city in the Red Earth City immediately caused a huge uproar.

The Rydgex City’s merchants immediately went mad. To build a city, the number of materials needed was absolutely astronomical, specially in such an impoverished place like the Red Earth Wasteland, where there was nothing. Just the transport of drinking water would cost a lot of gold coins.

The Rydgex City’s merchants, alike sharks smelling blood in water, went to inquire around. Jim could no longer suppress it, he could only helplessly sigh and give up on his intention to swallow the fat piece of meat by himself.

The merchants in the Rydgex City went high and low, and spend a lot of money on their inquiries before finally getting their answers from Bishop Edo’s mouth. The Great Wizard Ian was going to hold an investment assembly in the Rydgex Grand Tavern three days later. At present, only a few big merchant groups received invitations.

The small and medium merchant groups in the Rydgex City began to desperately search for an invitation to the investment assembly.

Those big merchant groups sent people to frantically search the trash for the invitations. They invitations Yang Feng sent them was taken as a scam and therefore, they had thrown them into the trash.

Three days later, luxurious carriages stopped outside of the Rydgex Grand Tavern from time to time. Men dressed in extravagant clothing alighted the luxurious carriages and entered the tavern.

A luxurious carriage stopped at the tavern’s door and the fat Jim squeezed out from inside. He alighted the carriage, scanned the luxurious carriages parked near the tavern with a glance, and released a sigh of vexation. He had a sullen expression, as if his parents had died.

“If it isn’t Jim. You also came? Haven’t you told me that this was just a sloppy scam? I remember you still saying that it’s impossible that there to be an idiot willing to build a city in a place like the Red Earth Wasteland.” An extravagantly dressed middle-aged man with blue short hair and well-groomed two thin strokes of mustache above the corners of his mouth walked over and mocked coldly. Anger was concealed in his eyes. It was because of Jim that he threw the invitation sent to him by Yang Feng into the trash. Afterwards, he had to look through the trash to find the invitation, which took a lot of effort. Naturally, he was angry at Jim.

His expression sullen, Jim said innocently: “Randy, I also made the wrong judgement. Who would have thought that there is really someone who would go build a city in such a forsaken place like the Red Earth Wasteland. I wouldn’t believe that there is someone willing to build a city there if it wasn’t for Bishop Edo. Don’t you think so, too?”

Randy sneered: “Heh heh. I heard that a few days ago, you accompanied a Wizard to the slave market and made a huge profit. You even got a hold of a lot of magic energy stones. Are you still feigning ignorance?”

Jim said in a collected manner: “I’ll sell you 50 magic energy stones at a price of 800 gold coins per piece! Let’s join hands and teach those little fellow who are trying to disturb the order a lesson?”

Randy deliberated it for a bit before showing a smile: “Alright!”

Now that the matter was settled, there was no point for Randy to continue to dwell on it. Jim had already compensated him. He didn’t mind joining forces with Jim to suppress those small and medium merchant groups.

As soon as he entered the tavern, Jim saw the heads of the Rydgex City’s merchant groups of different sizes. He couldn’t help but frown.

There was a dais in the middle of the tavern. Yang Feng slowly walked onto the dais. All gazes immediately focused on him.

Yang Feng smiled and said: “I’m very pleased that everyone is here! I am Ian, the Wizard who’s going to build a city in the Red Earth Wasteland!”

He smiled faintly and continued: “To build a city in the Red Earth Wasteland, I needed a lot of supplies. Water, food, weapons, clothes, and all kinds of other supplies, I need them All. I invited everyone here to make a fortune! My bottom line is that everyone is to make a profit of at least 40% to be able to bid!”

The tavern’s assembly room immediately burst into an enthusiastic applause. These heads of merchant groups had bloodshot eyes. This was the first time that they saw such a fat sheep ready for the slaughter.

Jim originally planned to bid down and force these heads of merchant groups to withdraw, yet his plan was foiled by Yang Feng throwing out his bait, leaving Jim feverish and his eyes bloodshot.

Yang Feng smiled and said: “However, what the new city lacks the most is population. I need a lot of slaves, preferably human slaves. Every month, the merchant group that brings me more human slaves will get more shares. Of course, I’m willing to purchase those slaves at a high price!”

The head of a merchant group said loudly: “Sir Ian, I’m willing to present you with 20 female slaves! Every month, I pledge to ship you 100 human slaves.”

Yang Feng said with a radiant smile: “What’s your name?”

That head of a merchant group straightened up and replied loudly: “My name is Sam!”

Yang Feng said with a smile: “What do you want to trade?”

Sam responded: “I want to trade clothing.”

Yang Feng said straightforwardly: “Alright. As long as the clothing that you provide is up to standard and you can keep up with our demand, then you shall be the one supplying the clothing.”

Sam said excitedly: “Thank you, Sir!!”

Yang Feng currently had hundreds of slaves in his possession. Before long, his slaves would likely exceed 1,000 in number. The clothing of these slaves as well as everyone else in the new city was a big deal. Moreover, Sam could also earn a huge sum from the 100 slaves. In one trip, Sam would make a huge profit.

Yang Feng still said: “As a reward, I’ll use magic energy stones to pay for your goods!”

Sam said excitedly: “Thank you, Sir!!”

“Sir Ian, I’m willing to present you with 10 female slaves! Every month, I can ship 80 slaves to your city.”


Below the dais, the heads of merchant groups went into an uproar, excitedly giving their bids.

Jim and Randy were also forced to join in the crazed bidding.

Amid the cheers of the heads of merchant groups, Yang Feng signed contracts with them with a Priest of the God of Contracts as the witness.

A contract would go into effect once it was established with the God of Contracts as the witness. If the contract was breached, one would suffer divine backlash.

“Truly capricious!”

Jim watched the heads of merchant groups scrambling to sign a contract with Yang Feng, and heaved a long sigh. His mind was filled with complicated feelings.

Originally, Jim still intended to use his power in the Rydgex City to play some tricks, so that Yang Feng would have to rely more on him. It was best if he could monopolize the trade with the Red Earth Wasteland’s new city.

Now that these heads of merchant groups scrambled to be of service to Yang Feng and sign a contract with him, it completely shattered Jim’s dream.

Rydgex City, in a villa’s rear garden.

Baron Gerald held a glass of red wine in his hand. With a gloomy expression, he slowly rocked the wine in his hand.

A handsome man sitting in front of Baron Gerald said with a smile: “Gerald, I heard that Master Ian is going to build a city in the Red Earth Wasteland. He’s such a fat sheep. Don’t you want to kill him and get revenge for the previous humiliation?”

Gerald smiled coldly and said: “Artais, you don’t have to provoke me! He’s a Great Wizard, I don’t want to be killed by a Great Wizard. There are many ways to kill people in magic!”

Artais sneered: “Yes, we have no chance at basting a Great Wizard. In a frontal confrontation, we’ll be killed by some strange magic of his. However, although a Great Wizard’s magic is powerful, but the number of spell slots he has to learn spells in a given day is limited. 8 level-2 spells, 24 level-1 spells, 108 level-0 spells, this is the magic that a Great Wizard can cast in a day. As long as we trade lives for his spells, then just like a tiger with its teeth pulled, he’ll collapse at the first blow.”

Gerald contemplated for a moment before shaking his head, saying: “With his spell slots, its enough to destroy a 100 people strong army. Our private army will collapse under his spells.”

Although Gerald’s private army had many people, but it was bound to crumble once the death toll reached a certain extent. Although a Great Warlock’s riches were very enticing, but Gerald was still very sensible, he knew that a Great Warlock wasn’t easy to deal with. The 2,000 strong private army under his control was a precious resource of his family. It may not be enough to kill a Great Wizard.

Artais whispered: “We can let the people from the elven empire and beastman empire do it.”

Gerald’s eyes lit up: “That’s right. He purchased the pair of mother and daughter pureblood elves. So long as this information is leaked, those longears will never let him off. And those greedy, dirty, and stupid beast bandits of the beastman empire will never let such a fat sheep off.”

Artais said meaningfully: “We can observe from the shadows! If he wins, we can promptly retreat. If both sides sustain great losses, we can take this chance to attack and crush them in one fell swoop. The wealth on a Great Wizard is bound to rival that of a state!!”

Gerald’s eyes flashed with malevolence and he said through clenched teeth: “Let’s do it! He dared to fight over women with me, I want him dead! After he dies, the pair of mother and daughter pureblood elves are mine!”

Artais immediately said: “Good!”

The two looked each other in the eyes, revealed a smile, toasted, and drank up.

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