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Chapter 1810 1810. Controlled Flames And Winds

The idea that Remey and Ignus were about to work together again made many of the Genesis forces wonder just what would happen. They knew that Remey was able to work with her partner very well. The grand fire elemental spirit had always played around in the flames. It even moved around Remey with high energy when she was annoyed by something. 

However, the idea that the flames Ignus used would be controlled to any degree was baffling. Many had seen him use his physical strength to crush monsters just because he was bored. Now they were going to see the same attitude used to battle with flames. Flames that he warned he may not be able to control since they would also be mixed with wind!

Many of the earth mages were already working to create barriers. The sands were harder to manipulate since they were broken up and soft. Some of the sand didn\'t even react to their earth mana manipulations because of the mysterious curses caused by the ruins. This alone made things feel more unnerving. 

What Current also seemed to be doing was adding the water around them to the sands that didn\'t steal it away. Walker had made sure that Current had control of whatever water necessary. The Fel angels had also moved to make sure that they would be able to drink what they could and be able to hold out for a proper amount of time. 

The many months and even years that some of the Fel angels had been in the desert had led to very good calculations when it came to water usage. This made it easier for Walker to give Current and the water affinity soldiers water. Therefore, they would have their skill reinforced and more usable when it came to battle. Not that anyone would be able to form ice anywhere during the heat of the desert. Even in the night, it would be too warm for some time before a sudden drop in temperature came. 

Furthermore, there was the fact that some of the water mages needed the water just to use skills at all. They could not rely on any hope that within the ruins there might be trapped water. The undead had all proven to be very water deficient. They were just wrapped bones and some dried skins. It was the strange way that they had been preserved. The mummified looks were not just what kept them different from other undead. It was also the fact that they had been preserved with their very blood condensed in to their bones. No water needed. It also appeared to keep the normal rot of undead down. A scary thought. 

As Ignus condensed and prepared to attack, Remey was speaking with her partner to also prepare. Their role would be to boost Ignus\'s control of flames after he had let them mix with the wind. That would allow Gil and Ventus to remain focused on breaking the last of the wind that caused the sand tornado to exist. 

The bonus was that the fire and wind elemental mages would also be joining the battle for control after the skills were used. It would make things easier even to the smallest degree. While this seemed like a massive use of mana before a big fight, the benefits would pay for themselves. Eradicating the few undead that were out in the sun would make it easier for the scouts to enter the surface ruins and discover what was going on. That would be making things safer and more efficient overall. 

The moment that everyone felt the air around them change and come to a new hotter level of heat made them immediately move away from the places they stook. The entire force moved behind the runes and the sand walls made. Walker did his best to cast the multi buff skill on as many people as possible. The benefits of having the buffs would allow them to move and escape the direct heat that was growing. 

Flames had coated the entirety of Ignus\'s dragon form. He was showing off the nearly white flames that came from extreme heat boosted by the natural heat of the desert. These white flames were nothing like the flames that were melding with light elemental mana. They had grown because of the highest possible temperature instead of the purification abilities of light. 

With one single explosive burst of heat, the flames left Ignus and were spewed in to the winds all around the breaking up sand tornado. There wasn\'t a single bit of smoke because of the intense heat. Those with resistances were able to witness things much better than others, Walker being one of them was able to stand completely in awe of a specialized dragon breath attack. 

This was the level of someone who had risen to their elemental pique. A being that had studied flames for years and learned the best ways they could to condense the fire elemental mana within them. A dragon that had expanded their strength to use their elemental breath attack to the best of their ability. As Walker was amazed, so was Midnight. She had never expected that this was the degree a real fire breath could reach. It made her want to witness every single elemental dragon\'s breath at the highest level possible. Even Ventus seemed to have held something back when using her wind elemental breath attack on the tornado to control the wind currents. 

The instantaneous melting of sand within the tornado was what changed everything. The molten sand became glass when it hit the dunes. This was why there were multiple barriers of sand to protect everyone. The extreme heat had made some of the sand melt just as the winds and the flames mixed. The intensity was casting the dunes around to solidify and melt. It was easy to see how it would create an area that was inhabitable. Covered in molten rocks and stone. The magma fields even seemed cold compared to such high field flames. 

"Now we stop it!" Remey shouted out as the grand flame spirit started to empower Ignus again. The sudden draw of fire elemental mana was like someone draining a pond. The mana had been forced to move in a certain way to join the now flaming tornado. Yet, it was under double the concentration as before. The fire elemental was benign forcefully torn from where it wanted to be as the natural creation was more important to the flow. 

When Gil allowed his partner to join Ventus from the sky, the changes were more drastic. The angels witnessing this saw the superiority of elemental spirits. They only knew these as the fire and wind grand elemental spirits. Powerful beings that could somehow influence manas better than others and would really attack others according to the genesis forces. Yet, what they saw now was terrifying. 


The fear that angels had since they relied on the elemental mana around them to sue mana overall was large. Their elemental spirits could halt this as that was why they had been hunted on the Sigil continent. Now that the fear was being shown, the angels believed they had to respect Genesis much more due to their relationships with such beings and the fact that they had enough control over them to cause such events to occur here. 

As the wind was forcefully changed again, the build of the runs was helping. The design that broke up the flow of wind naturally caused the wind mana to break down from the flow that the flames needed as fuel. The flames were being pulled away and Ignus was greedily taking the fire mana away. It was a tiring event for the two dragons and two grand elemental spirits. Yet, it was much quicker than expected. 

It seemed to have only been minutes since all this happened, but it had been nearly half an hour of constant elemental pressure. The show before every soldier had become something they could never forget in their lives. The dragon race working together would make anyone wonder just what they were by comparison. Just how they could get stronger. 

What was revealed after the flames and wind were suddenly gone was nothing that anyone could explain easily. There was an entire section of sand dune sides melted in to a molten slowly moving glass. There was also the fact that many undead had been reduced to dust that was falling on to the ruins. Their attempts to reform failed as they continued to burn on the molten glass. 

The ruin design showed much more wear and tear than imagined. Some of the stones had shattered under the drastic change of heat while others had burned because of the materials that held them together. This was good though, some dark passages had been exposed letting the scouts have a view of where they could go to gather information. 

All that was left was Current\'s order to make it rain. The final step to cause the area to be safe for the scouts that would need to resist the literal molten area. There was barely steam though. The cursed sands caused the water to be absorbed rapidly, but that held the temperature drop much more dramatically than before. It even made more stone structures crack and opened more for the scouts to explore. 



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