
Chapter 412 - 214 Soul Channel, Eight-Armed Divine Ape, Starry Sky War Beast_2

As for those ordinary small countries, not only do they have fewer people, but cultivators are also scarce.

The root cause is the issue of Heavenly Energy density.

Within the three major empires, the richness of Heavenly Energy is tenfold compared to the outside world; under such conditions, the number of individuals with cultivation talent who ‘mutate’ increases.

And with faster cultivation speeds, one year equates to several years outside.

As more people cultivate, a greater number of strong men emerge, which allows the Human Race to expand their Territory, resources, materials, and minerals in the mythical world, rapidly developing domestically.

This is the growing gap between empires and ordinary countries.

As for the idea of dismantling the Cover Sky Enchantment and allowing the Heavenly Energy to permeate the globe so that all humans of all countries can cultivate equally, it is foolish.

The entire Blue Star is vast; even if all the Heavenly Energy from the three major empires were released, it would not be enough to double the current energy density in small countries.

This was also the reason why the Supreme Experts chose to establish the enchantment over thirty years ago.

If they had chosen to release it back then, the number of human cultivators might not even reach one-tenth of what it is now, not to mention starting a war with the Purgatory Demon Race and opening the Frontline Battlefield.

And don’t think that the Heavenly Energy within the territories of the three major empires comes for free.

Although this energy streams from the mythical world, to maintain those Space Cracks, reinforce them, and even expand them, the three major empires have all paid a hefty price.

This is another gap between empires and medium-sized countries.

Every year, numerous Space Cracks emerge in various places of Blue Star, including within medium and small countries, but almost none are discovered and preserved in time.

Many Space Cracks are fleeting, requiring strong men to capture, consuming space-related materials to stabilize them, turning them into streams of energy.

And the biggest pathways in the current human world are the world passageways of the three major empires, stable and vast enough to accommodate the entry and exit of Mythical Creatures and king-level figures.

The Heavenly Energy that flows into Blue Star daily is as vast as the tide, sustaining the consumption of countless cultivators.

At this moment, Jack Clark’s convoy entered the city uneventfully, and he withdrew part of his attention, pressing on the side of his sunglasses to link with the wireless signal.

“Di di! Connecting to the Heavenly Think Tank…”

“Verification passed, access granted, welcome to the Heavenly Think Tank.”

Looking at the flashing screen in front of him, Jack’s will circulated tangibly, tapping lightly on the options for Secret Books, and immediately the options for the three major empires popped up.

He then clicked on Berlin.

Suddenly, names of various Genetic Martial Arts Secret Books appeared before Jack’s eyes.

Among the hundreds of Top-tier Secret Manuals, only a dozen belonged at the king-level, the rest left by Ninth Heaven Experts of the Berlin Empire.

The creators of these manuals had either become Nine-fold Peak Experts or had already fallen.

Since his goal was to reference and integrate the Power of the Giant Beasts’ Talents, Jack selectively opened several Secret Book synopses.

Soon, his gaze fell on a Secret Book named [Eight-Arm Divine Ape],

This Secret Book, when cultivated to the ultimate degree, could transform into an Eight-Arm Divine Ape, merging a part of the strength of four Giant Beasts with very powerful combat strength.

In particular, the idea of transforming the Giant Beast’s power into arms caught Jack’s attention, giving him a sense of unexpected alignment.

After settling on the Berlin Secret Books, Jack then accessed Simon Empire’s Secret Catalog.

After scanning the synopses of those manuals, he finally set his sights on a Secret Book called [Star Beast Mechanism].

The goal of this Secret Book’s creator was to see the human body as a planetary celestial body, with Mechas infused with Giant Beast materials, inscriptions, and abilities as the human-shaped star giant beast shell.

The Mecha of this Secret Book was not only massive but could also evoke a domain power similar to planetary gravity within its galaxy domain, where ‘planets’ orbited within, rendering it very powerful.

Of course, the theory was quite a bit different from actuality.

“Confirm the request for [Eight-Arm Divine Ape] and [Star Beast Mechanism] Secret Books?”

“Confirm!” Jack clicked to confirm with his realm of thought.

“Request uploaded, please wait for notification from Federal Headquarters. Mission route analysis detected for the requester… Analysis complete.”

“The Secret Rubbing Version is expected to arrive in Green Mountain City in Hundred Foxes Nation in ten days.”

Ten days, that’s about right, Jack thought.

After defeating the Nine-headed Flood Dragon, the focus of the Thunderflame Behemoth’s energy would be on comprehending the Innate Space Runes, coupled with the efforts of Jack’s actual body.

In ten days’ time, he should be able to construct the basic structure of the Secret Books.

By then, after referring to the essence of the two new Secret Books in hand, as well as the creator’s experience in ability fusion, it should be quite quick to create his Secret Book.

At this thought, Jack Clark’s lips lifted slightly.

It was just after four in the afternoon.

The convoy carrying Mathilda Ward and others stopped beneath the six-star resort hotel in East Capital.

After a greeting and leaving a staff member behind, Dean Klein and his party left.

Jack followed Mathilda Ward with the staff’s guidance to the hotel’s upper floors, while Lionel Lopez and his team began taking over the hotel’s security.

Having circled around the presidential suite at the top floor of the hotel and ensuring there were no problems, Jack went to the balcony while Mathilda Ward and her assistant were sorting out their clothes.

He pressed his sunglasses twice and connected to the military channel.

“I am Zero Operator, Mr. Callum, how may I assist you?”

Jack spoke softly,

“I need detailed information on Irvin Yamaki from East Capital, including information about the Yamaki Family.”

While the sunglasses could recognize faces and pull up relevant data, that kind of information was only superficial. More detailed and deeper information required the expertise of professionals to compile.

“Please wait a moment, Mr. Callum, the relevant data will be compiled and sent to you shortly.”

Beneath the deep sea, accompanied by the faint panting of the Silver Giant Dragon, an Ice Crystal Palace spanning over a hundred meters tall and two hundred meters wide appeared, rough and grand.

“Roar! Kidora, this will be your Nine-Headed Dragon King Hall from now on.”

Several hours had passed, and the black Nine-headed Flood Dragon, whose external injuries had already healed, let out excited, chaotic roars, “Roaar roaar roaar!! Thank, thank, Scythia.”

The Silver Giant Dragon slightly lifted its head, issuing a proud roar, “No need for thanks, it is the responsibility of the King of the Dragon Palace.”

However, after speaking, the Silver Giant Dragon inexplicably felt a bit of confusion.

Something was not right. It was the King of the Dragon Palace, so why did it have to build a palace for a Giant Beast that joined the Dragon Palace?

Facing the Silver Giant Dragon’s puzzled gaze, the Thunderflame Behemoth naturally would not say ‘who told you your ability is suitable for bricklaying.’

After the Nine-headed Flood Dragon swam into the palace, curling its huge body into hibernation, the Thunderflame Behemoth turned its head to look at the Silver Giant Dragon.

“Roar! Scythia, remember what you promised me. Let’s go, Brock Abbott.”

With that, the Silver Giant Dragon spread its wings, gliding and flying into its Ice Frost Storm Dragon King Hall at the seabed, followed by the black-red ferocious behemoth.

As the two Giant Beasts entered the Dragon King Hall, one leading and the other following, frost emerged on the body of the Silver Giant Dragon, and in an instant a ten-meter-thick ice wall sealed the palace’s gate.

Not only that, as the Silver Giant Dragon’s domain power unfolded, covering the whole palace.

It was only after this that the Silver Giant Dragon lay down in the center of the hall, slightly closed its eyes, and its forehead’s Dragon Scales emitted white radiance, revealing some mysterious inscriptions.

As the complex space inscriptions on the Dragon Scales emerged, their glow formed a 3D rune projection spanning tens of meters in the air.

Like countless silver spirals forming a galaxy mirage spinning, exuding an extremely mysterious aura of space.

Under the influence of the Silver Giant Dragon’s Soul Power, the projection of runes in the air was equivalent to laying out an exceedingly complex mathematical problem, expressing each of its formulas one by one.

It instructed the Thunderflame Behemoth how to deduce the rules, where to start, and why to carry out the calculations in such a manner.

This reveal was almost as clear as the earlier transparency when the Thunderflame Behemoth made its breakthrough, observing the birth of the Seven Great Talent Runes within its body from nothing.

After absorbing and merging the Innate Space Rune, this rune became the very foundation of the Silver Giant Dragon’s laws, hence its great caution.

Also, displaying its fundamental essence before the Thunderflame Behemoth demonstrated the trust that the Silver Giant Dragon had in it.

The Thunderflame Behemoth laid on the ground, its golden vertical pupils completely focused on the space runes above, its consciousness gradually sinking into an endless realm of spatial information.

It greedily absorbed countless details to enrich itself.

Jack Clark valued this Innate Space Rune so much not only because he planned to use it as the basis for the Secret Books that were to be carried together, but also because he wanted to see if it could open a pathway.

Using the soul link between the Avatar and the original body as a base, he aimed to create a stable spatial transmission pathway that would allow items, such as Life Crystals, to pass through.

Otherwise, even if the Giant Beast Avatar was mighty, the original body could not share its resources.

But if a stable pathway could be established between them, allowing a portion of resources obtained by the Giant Beast from the ocean to be shared with the original body, Jack Clark’s power would rise at an even more astonishing rate.

Especially the Life Crystals!

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